#include "standard.h" #include "cmd.h" #include "user.h" #include "firmware.h" #ifndef Firmware_FORMAT_VER1 #define Firmware_FORMAT_VER1 1 #define Firmware_FORMAT_VER2 0 #endif #if (Firmware_FORMAT_VER1 == 2) && (Firmware_FORMAT_VER2 == 0) static Byte* Firmware_partitions = Firmware_new_partitions; #endif #if (Firmware_FORMAT_VER1 > 2) || ((Firmware_FORMAT_VER1 == 2) && (Firmware_FORMAT_VER2 > 0)) #error API version too old. Please update API version. #endif #define Standard_MAX_BIT 8 #define Standard_MAX_CLOCK 12 #define Standard_MAX_BAND 3 Byte Chip2_I2c_address = User_I2C_ADDRESS; const Byte Standard_bitMask[Standard_MAX_BIT] = { 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0F, 0x1F, 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xFF }; const ClockTable Standard_clockTable[Standard_MAX_CLOCK] = { { 20480, 20480000 }, /** FPGA */ { 16384, 20480000 }, /** 16.38MHz */ { 20480, 20480000 }, /** 20.48MHz */ { 36000, 20250000 }, /** 36.00MHz */ { 30000, 20156250 }, /** 30.00MHz */ { 26000, 20583333 }, /** 26.00MHz */ { 28000, 20416667 }, /** 28.00MHz */ { 32000, 20500000 }, /** 32.00MHz */ { 34000, 20187500 }, /** 34.00MHz */ { 24000, 20500000 }, /** 24.00MHz */ { 22000, 20625000 }, /** 22.00MHz */ { 12000, 20250000 } /** 12.00MHz */ }; const BandTable Standard_bandTable[Standard_MAX_BAND] = { { 174000, 230000 }, /** VHF */ { 350000, 900000 }, /** UHF */ { 1670000, 1680000 } /** L-BAND */ }; /** local functions */ #if User_USE_DRIVER Dword Standard_getDriver ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, OUT Handle* handle ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; TCHAR registry1[100] = TEXT("\\Drivers\\SDCARD\\ClientDrivers\\Custom\\MANF-0296-CARDID-5347-FUNC-1"); TCHAR registry2[100] = TEXT("\\Drivers\\SDCARD\\ClientDrivers\\Custom\\MANF-03BE-CARDID-0001-FUNC-1"); TCHAR name[256]; TCHAR shortBuffer[32]; DWORD len = 16; DWORD i; HKEY hKey, hSubKey; DWORD size; /** Open the HKLM\Drivers\Active key in registry */ if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("Drivers\\Active"), 0, 0, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { /** Get subkeys count */ if (RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &i, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { /** Browse subkeys in reverse order (pluggable cards are not at the beginning of the list !) */ while (i) { i--; /** Select the subkey */ size = sizeof(shortBuffer); if (RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, i, shortBuffer, &size, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { /** Open the subkey */ shortBuffer[sizeof(shortBuffer)-1] = '\0'; _stprintf(name, TEXT("Drivers\\Active\\%s"), shortBuffer); if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, name, 0, 0, &hSubKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { size = sizeof(name); if (RegQueryValueEx(hSubKey, TEXT("Key"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) name, &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((_tcsncmp(name, registry1, _tcsclen(registry1)) == 0) || (_tcsncmp(name, registry2, _tcsclen(registry2)) == 0)) { /** This is the good PnPID, now get the serial com in the "Name" value */ size = len; if (RegQueryValueEx(hSubKey, TEXT("Name"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) name, &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { /** Found ! */ RegCloseKey(hSubKey); RegCloseKey(hKey); /** OK */ goto exit; } } } /** Close the subkey */ RegCloseKey(hSubKey); } } } } } /** Close the key */ RegCloseKey(hKey); exit: *handle = CreateFile (name, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); return (error); } #endif Dword Standard_divider ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Dword a, IN Dword b, IN Dword x ) { Dword answer = 0; Dword c = 0; Dword i = 0; if (a > b) { c = a / b; a = a - c * b; } for (i = 0; i < x; i++) { if (a >= b) { answer += 1; a-=b; } a <<= 1; answer <<= 1; } answer = (c << (Long) x) + answer; return (answer); } Dword Standard_computeCrystal ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Long crystalFrequency, /** Crystal frequency (Hz) */ OUT Dword* crystal ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; *crystal = (Long) Standard_divider (demodulator, (Dword) crystalFrequency, 1000000ul, 19ul); return (error); } Dword Standard_computeAdc ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Long adcFrequency, /** ADC frequency (Hz) */ OUT Dword* adc ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; *adc = (Long) Standard_divider (demodulator, (Dword) adcFrequency, 1000000ul, 19ul); return (error); } Dword Standard_computeFcw ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Long adcFrequency, /** ADC frequency (Hz) */ IN Long ifFrequency, /** IF frequency (Hz) */ IN Bool inversion, /** RF spectrum inversion */ OUT Dword* fcw ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Long ifFreq; Long adcFreq; Long adcFreqHalf; Long adcFreqSample; Long invBfs; Long controlWord; Byte adcMultiplier; adcFreq = adcFrequency; ifFreq = ifFrequency; adcFreqHalf = adcFreq / 2; if (inversion == True) ifFreq = -1 * ifFreq; adcFreqSample = ifFreq; if (adcFreqSample >= 0) invBfs = 1; else { invBfs = -1; adcFreqSample = adcFreqSample * -1; } while (adcFreqSample > adcFreqHalf) adcFreqSample = adcFreqSample - adcFreq; /** Sample, spectrum at positive frequency */ if(adcFreqSample >= 0) invBfs = invBfs * -1; else { invBfs = invBfs * 1; adcFreqSample = adcFreqSample * (-1); /** Absolute value */ } controlWord = (Long) Standard_divider (demodulator, (Dword) adcFreqSample, (Dword) adcFreq, 23ul); if (invBfs == -1) { controlWord *= -1; } /** Get ADC multiplier */ error = Standard_readRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, adcx2, &adcMultiplier); if (error) goto exit; if (adcMultiplier == 1) { controlWord /= 2; } *fcw = controlWord & 0x7FFFFF; exit: return (error); } Dword Standard_programFcw ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Long shift, /** Hz */ IN Dword adcFrequency /** Hz */ ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Dword fcw; Long fcwShift; Byte temp0; Byte temp1; Byte temp2; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; /** Get shift freq */ fcwShift = (shift * 8 * 1024 + (Long) adcFrequency / (2 * 1024)) / (Long) adcFrequency * 1024; fcw = (Dword) ((Long) ganymede->fcw + fcwShift); temp0 = (Byte) (fcw & 0x000000FF); temp1 = (Byte) ((fcw & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); temp2 = (Byte) ((fcw & 0x007F0000) >> 16); error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_bfs_fcw_7_0, temp0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_bfs_fcw_15_8, temp1); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_bfs_fcw_22_16, temp2); if (error) goto exit; exit: return (error); } Dword Standard_maskDcaOutput ( IN Demodulator* demodulator ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Byte i; Bool dcaValid = False; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if ((ganymede->chipNumber > 1) && (ganymede->architecture == Architecture_DCA)) dcaValid = True; if (dcaValid == True) { for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_dca_upper_out_en, reg_dca_upper_out_en_pos, reg_dca_upper_out_en_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; } User_delay (demodulator, 5); } exit: return (error); } Dword Standard_sendCommand ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, OUT Word command, IN Byte chip, IN Processor processor, IN Dword writeBufferLength, IN Byte* writeBuffer, IN Dword readBufferLength, OUT Byte* readBuffer ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER #else Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->cmdDescription->sendCommand != NULL) { error = ganymede->cmdDescription->sendCommand (demodulator, command, chip, processor, writeBufferLength, writeBuffer, readBufferLength, readBuffer); } #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_selectBandwidth ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Word bandwidth, /** KHz */ IN Dword adcFrequency /** Hz, ex: 20480000 */ ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Dword coeff1_2048Nu; Dword coeff1_4096Nu; Dword coeff1_8191Nu; Dword coeff1_8192Nu; Dword coeff1_8193Nu; Dword coeff2_2k; Dword coeff2_4k; Dword coeff2_8k; Word bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio; Word fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio; Byte temp0; Byte temp1; Byte temp2; Byte temp3; Byte buffer[36]; Byte bw; Byte adcMultiplier; Ganymede* ganymede; if (bandwidth == 5000) bw = 3; else if (bandwidth == 6000) bw = 0; else if (bandwidth == 7000) bw = 1; else if (bandwidth == 8000) bw = 2; else { error = Error_INVALID_BW; goto exit; } ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, g_reg_bw, reg_bw_pos, reg_bw_len, bw); if (error) goto exit; /** Program CFOE */ if (adcFrequency == 20156250) { if (bandwidth == 5000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x02449b5c; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x01224dae; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00912b60; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x009126d7; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x0091224e; coeff2_2k = 0x01224dae; coeff2_4k = 0x009126d7; coeff2_8k = 0x0048936b; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x0387; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x0122; } else if (bandwidth == 6000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x02b8ba6e; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x015c5d37; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00ae340d; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00ae2e9b; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00ae292a; coeff2_2k = 0x015c5d37; coeff2_4k = 0x00ae2e9b; coeff2_8k = 0x0057174e; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x02f1; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x015c; } else if (bandwidth == 7000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x032cd980; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x01966cc0; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00cb3cba; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00cb3660; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00cb3007; coeff2_2k = 0x01966cc0; coeff2_4k = 0x00cb3660; coeff2_8k = 0x00659b30; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x0285; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x0196; } else if (bandwidth == 8000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x03a0f893; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x01d07c49; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00e84567; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00e83e25; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00e836e3; coeff2_2k = 0x01d07c49; coeff2_4k = 0x00e83e25; coeff2_8k = 0x00741f12; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x0234; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x01d0; } else { error = Error_INVALID_BW; goto exit; } } else if (adcFrequency == 20187500) { if (bandwidth == 5000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x0243b546; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x0121daa3; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x0090f1d9; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x0090ed51; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x0090e8ca; coeff2_2k = 0x0121daa3; coeff2_4k = 0x0090ed51; coeff2_8k = 0x004876a9; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x0388; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x0122; } else if (bandwidth == 6000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x02b7a654; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x015bd32a; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00adef04; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00ade995; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00ade426; coeff2_2k = 0x015bd32a; coeff2_4k = 0x00ade995; coeff2_8k = 0x0056f4ca; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x02f2; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x015c; } else if (bandwidth == 7000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x032b9761; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x0195cbb1; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00caec30; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00cae5d8; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00cadf81; coeff2_2k = 0x0195cbb1; coeff2_4k = 0x00cae5d8; coeff2_8k = 0x006572ec; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x0286; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x0196; } else if (bandwidth == 8000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x039f886f; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x01cfc438; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00e7e95b; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00e7e21c; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00e7dadd; coeff2_2k = 0x01cfc438; coeff2_4k = 0x00e7e21c; coeff2_8k = 0x0073f10e; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x0235; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x01d0; } else { error = Error_INVALID_BW; goto exit; } } else if (adcFrequency == 20250000) { if (bandwidth == 5000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x0241eb3b; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x0120f59e; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00907f53; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00907acf; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x0090764b; coeff2_2k = 0x0120f59e; coeff2_4k = 0x00907acf; coeff2_8k = 0x00483d67; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x038b; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x0121; } else if (bandwidth == 6000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x02b580ad; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x015ac057; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00ad6597; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00ad602b; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00ad5ac1; coeff2_2k = 0x015ac057; coeff2_4k = 0x00ad602b; coeff2_8k = 0x0056b016; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x02f4; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x015b; } else if (bandwidth == 7000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x03291620; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x01948b10; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00ca4bda; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00ca4588; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00ca3f36; coeff2_2k = 0x01948b10; coeff2_4k = 0x00ca4588; coeff2_8k = 0x006522c4; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x0288; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x0195; } else if (bandwidth == 8000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x039cab92; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x01ce55c9; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00e7321e; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00e72ae4; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00e723ab; coeff2_2k = 0x01ce55c9; coeff2_4k = 0x00e72ae4; coeff2_8k = 0x00739572; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x0237; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x01ce; } else { error = Error_INVALID_BW; goto exit; } } else if (adcFrequency == 20583333) { if (bandwidth == 5000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x02388f54; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x011c47aa; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x008e2846; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x008e23d5; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x008e1f64; coeff2_2k = 0x011c47aa; coeff2_4k = 0x008e23d5; coeff2_8k = 0x004711ea; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x039a; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x011c; } else if (bandwidth == 6000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x02aa4598; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x015522cc; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00aa96bb; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00aa9166; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00aa8c12; coeff2_2k = 0x015522cc; coeff2_4k = 0x00aa9166; coeff2_8k = 0x005548b3; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x0300; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x0155; } else if (bandwidth == 7000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x031bfbdc; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x018dfdee; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00c7052f; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00c6fef7; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00c6f8bf; coeff2_2k = 0x018dfdee; coeff2_4k = 0x00c6fef7; coeff2_8k = 0x00637f7b; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x0293; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x018e; } else if (bandwidth == 8000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x038db21f; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x01c6d910; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00e373a3; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00e36c88; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00e3656d; coeff2_2k = 0x01c6d910; coeff2_4k = 0x00e36c88; coeff2_8k = 0x0071b644; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x0240; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x01c7; } else { error = Error_INVALID_BW; goto exit; } } else if (adcFrequency == 20416667) { if (bandwidth == 5000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x023d337f; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x011e99c0; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x008f515a; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x008f4ce0; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x008f4865; coeff2_2k = 0x011e99c0; coeff2_4k = 0x008f4ce0; coeff2_8k = 0x0047a670; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x0393; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x011f; } else if (bandwidth == 6000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x02afd765; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x0157ebb3; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00abfb39; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00abf5d9; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00abf07a; coeff2_2k = 0x0157ebb3; coeff2_4k = 0x00abf5d9; coeff2_8k = 0x0055faed; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x02fa; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x0158; } else if (bandwidth == 7000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x03227b4b; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x01913da6; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00c8a518; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00c89ed3; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00c8988e; coeff2_2k = 0x01913da6; coeff2_4k = 0x00c89ed3; coeff2_8k = 0x00644f69; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x028d; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x0191; } else if (bandwidth == 8000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x03951f32; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x01ca8f99; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00e54ef7; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00e547cc; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00e540a2; coeff2_2k = 0x01ca8f99; coeff2_4k = 0x00e547cc; coeff2_8k = 0x0072a3e6; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x023c; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x01cb; } else { error = Error_INVALID_BW; goto exit; } } else if (adcFrequency == 20480000) { if (bandwidth == 5000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x023b6db7; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x011db6db; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x008edfe5; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x008edb6e; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x008ed6f7; coeff2_2k = 0x011db6db; coeff2_4k = 0x008edb6e; coeff2_8k = 0x00476db7; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x0396; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x011e; } else if (bandwidth == 6000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x02adb6db; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x0156db6e; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00ab7312; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00ab6db7; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00ab685c; coeff2_2k = 0x0156db6e; coeff2_4k = 0x00ab6db7; coeff2_8k = 0x0055b6db; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x02fd; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x0157; } else if (bandwidth == 7000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x03200000; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x01900000; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00c80640; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00c80000; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00c7f9c0; coeff2_2k = 0x01900000; coeff2_4k = 0x00c80000; coeff2_8k = 0x00640000; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x028f; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x0190; } else if (bandwidth == 8000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x03924925; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x01c92492; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00e4996e; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00e49249; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00e48b25; coeff2_2k = 0x01c92492; coeff2_4k = 0x00e49249; coeff2_8k = 0x00724925; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x023d; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x01c9; } else { error = Error_INVALID_BW; goto exit; } } else if (adcFrequency == 20500000) { if (bandwidth == 5000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x023adeff; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x011d6f80; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x008ebc36; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x008eb7c0; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x008eb34a; coeff2_2k = 0x011d6f80; coeff2_4k = 0x008eb7c0; coeff2_8k = 0x00475be0; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x0396; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x011d; } else if (bandwidth == 6000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x02ad0b99; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x015685cc; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00ab4840; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00ab42e6; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00ab3d8c; coeff2_2k = 0x015685cc; coeff2_4k = 0x00ab42e6; coeff2_8k = 0x0055a173; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x02fd; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x0157; } else if (bandwidth == 7000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x031f3832; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x018f9c19; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00c7d44b; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00c7ce0c; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00c7c7ce; coeff2_2k = 0x018f9c19; coeff2_4k = 0x00c7ce0c; coeff2_8k = 0x0063e706; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x0290; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x0190; } else if (bandwidth == 8000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x039164cb; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x01c8b266; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00e46056; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00e45933; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00e45210; coeff2_2k = 0x01c8b266; coeff2_4k = 0x00e45933; coeff2_8k = 0x00722c99; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x023e; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x01c9; } else { error = Error_INVALID_BW; goto exit; } } else if (adcFrequency == 20625000) { if (bandwidth == 5000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x02376948; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x011bb4a4; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x008ddec1; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x008dda52; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x008dd5e3; coeff2_2k = 0x011bb4a4; coeff2_4k = 0x008dda52; coeff2_8k = 0x0046ed29; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x039c; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x011c; } else if (bandwidth == 6000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x02a8e4bd; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x0154725e; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00aa3e81; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00aa392f; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00aa33de; coeff2_2k = 0x0154725e; coeff2_4k = 0x00aa392f; coeff2_8k = 0x00551c98; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x0302; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x0154; } else if (bandwidth == 7000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x031a6032; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x018d3019; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00c69e41; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00c6980c; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00c691d8; coeff2_2k = 0x018d3019; coeff2_4k = 0x00c6980c; coeff2_8k = 0x00634c06; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x0294; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x018d; } else if (bandwidth == 8000) { coeff1_2048Nu = 0x038bdba6; coeff1_4096Nu = 0x01c5edd3; coeff1_8191Nu = 0x00e2fe02; coeff1_8192Nu = 0x00e2f6ea; coeff1_8193Nu = 0x00e2efd2; coeff2_2k = 0x01c5edd3; coeff2_4k = 0x00e2f6ea; coeff2_8k = 0x00717b75; bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio = 0x0242; fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio = 0x01c6; } else { error = Error_INVALID_BW; goto exit; } } else { error = Error_INVALID_XTAL_FREQ; goto exit; } /** Get ADC multiplier */ error = Standard_readRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, adcx2, &adcMultiplier); if (error) goto exit; if (adcMultiplier == 1) { coeff1_2048Nu /= 2; coeff1_4096Nu /= 2; coeff1_8191Nu /= 2; coeff1_8192Nu /= 2; coeff1_8193Nu /= 2 ; coeff2_2k /= 2; coeff2_4k /= 2; coeff2_8k /= 2; } /** Write coeff1_2048Nu */ /** Get Byte0 */ temp0 = (Byte) (coeff1_2048Nu & 0x000000FF); /** Get Byte1 */ temp1 = (Byte) ((coeff1_2048Nu & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); /** Get Byte2 */ temp2 = (Byte) ((coeff1_2048Nu & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); /** Get Byte3 */ temp3 = (Byte) ((coeff1_2048Nu & 0x03000000) >> 24); /** Gig endian to make 8051 happy */ buffer[cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp3; buffer[cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_23_16 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp2; buffer[cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_15_8 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp1; buffer[cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_7_0 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp0; /** Write coeff2_2k */ /** Get Byte0 */ temp0 = (Byte) ((coeff2_2k & 0x000000FF)); /** Get Byte1 */ temp1 = (Byte) ((coeff2_2k & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); /** Get Byte2 */ temp2 = (Byte) ((coeff2_2k & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); /** Get Byte3 */ temp3 = (Byte) ((coeff2_2k & 0x01000000) >> 24); /** Gig endian to make 8051 happy */ buffer[cfoe_NS_2k_coeff2_24 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp3; buffer[cfoe_NS_2k_coeff2_23_16 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp2; buffer[cfoe_NS_2k_coeff2_15_8 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp1; buffer[cfoe_NS_2k_coeff2_7_0 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp0; /** Write coeff1_8191Nu */ /** Get Byte0 */ temp0 = (Byte) ((coeff1_8191Nu & 0x000000FF)); /** Get Byte1 */ temp1 = (Byte) ((coeff1_8191Nu & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); /** Get Byte2 */ temp2 = (Byte) ((coeff1_8191Nu & 0x00FFC000) >> 16); /** Get Byte3 */ temp3 = (Byte) ((coeff1_8191Nu & 0x03000000) >> 24); /** Big endian to make 8051 happy */ buffer[cfoe_NS_8191_coeff1_25_24 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp3; buffer[cfoe_NS_8191_coeff1_23_16 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp2; buffer[cfoe_NS_8191_coeff1_15_8 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp1; buffer[cfoe_NS_8191_coeff1_7_0 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp0; /** Write coeff1_8192Nu */ /** Get Byte0 */ temp0 = (Byte) (coeff1_8192Nu & 0x000000FF); /** Get Byte1 */ temp1 = (Byte) ((coeff1_8192Nu & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); /** Get Byte2 */ temp2 = (Byte) ((coeff1_8192Nu & 0x00FFC000) >> 16); /** Get Byte3 */ temp3 = (Byte) ((coeff1_8192Nu & 0x03000000) >> 24); /** Gig endian to make 8051 happy */ buffer[cfoe_NS_8192_coeff1_25_24 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp3; buffer[cfoe_NS_8192_coeff1_23_16 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp2; buffer[cfoe_NS_8192_coeff1_15_8 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp1; buffer[cfoe_NS_8192_coeff1_7_0 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp0; /** Write coeff1_8193Nu */ /** Get Byte0 */ temp0 = (Byte) ((coeff1_8193Nu & 0x000000FF)); /** Get Byte1 */ temp1 = (Byte) ((coeff1_8193Nu & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); /** Get Byte2 */ temp2 = (Byte) ((coeff1_8193Nu & 0x00FFC000) >> 16); /** Get Byte3 */ temp3 = (Byte) ((coeff1_8193Nu & 0x03000000) >> 24); /** Big endian to make 8051 happy */ buffer[cfoe_NS_8193_coeff1_25_24 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp3; buffer[cfoe_NS_8193_coeff1_23_16 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp2; buffer[cfoe_NS_8193_coeff1_15_8 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp1; buffer[cfoe_NS_8193_coeff1_7_0 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp0; /** Write coeff2_8k */ /** Get Byte0 */ temp0 = (Byte) ((coeff2_8k & 0x000000FF)); /** Get Byte1 */ temp1 = (Byte) ((coeff2_8k & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); /** Get Byte2 */ temp2 = (Byte) ((coeff2_8k & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); /** Get Byte3 */ temp3 = (Byte) ((coeff2_8k & 0x01000000) >> 24); /** Big endian to make 8051 happy */ buffer[cfoe_NS_8k_coeff2_24 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp3; buffer[cfoe_NS_8k_coeff2_23_16 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp2; buffer[cfoe_NS_8k_coeff2_15_8 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp1; buffer[cfoe_NS_8k_coeff2_7_0 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp0; /** Write coeff1_4096Nu */ /** Get Byte0 */ temp0 = (Byte) (coeff1_4096Nu & 0x000000FF); /** Get Byte1 */ temp1 = (Byte) ((coeff1_4096Nu & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); /** Get Byte2 */ temp2 = (Byte) ((coeff1_4096Nu & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); /** Get Byte3[1:0] */ /** Bit[7:2] will be written soon and so don't have to care them */ temp3 = (Byte) ((coeff1_4096Nu & 0x03000000) >> 24); /** Big endian to make 8051 happy */ buffer[cfoe_NS_4096_coeff1_25_24 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp3; buffer[cfoe_NS_4096_coeff1_23_16 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp2; buffer[cfoe_NS_4096_coeff1_15_8 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp1; buffer[cfoe_NS_4096_coeff1_7_0 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp0; /** Write coeff2_4k */ /** Get Byte0 */ temp0 = (Byte) ((coeff2_4k & 0x000000FF)); /** Get Byte1 */ temp1 = (Byte) ((coeff2_4k & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); /** Get Byte2 */ temp2 = (Byte) ((coeff2_4k & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); /** Get Byte3 */ temp3 = (Byte) ((coeff2_4k & 0x01000000) >> 24); /** Big endian to make 8051 happy */ buffer[cfoe_NS_4k_coeff2_24 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp3; buffer[cfoe_NS_4k_coeff2_23_16 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp2; buffer[cfoe_NS_4k_coeff2_15_8 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp1; buffer[cfoe_NS_4k_coeff2_7_0 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp0; /** Get Byte0 */ temp0 = (Byte) (bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio & 0x00FF); /** Get Byte1 */ temp1 = (Byte) ((bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio & 0xFF00) >> 8); /** Big endian to make 8051 happy */ buffer[bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio_15_8 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp1; buffer[bfsfcw_fftindex_ratio_7_0 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp0; /** Get Byte0 */ temp0 = (Byte) (fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio & 0x00FF); /** Get Byte1 */ temp1 = (Byte) ((fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio & 0xFF00) >> 8); /** Big endian to make 8051 happy */ buffer[fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio_15_8 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp1; buffer[fftindex_bfsfcw_ratio_7_0 - cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24] = temp0; error = Standard_writeRegisters (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, cfoe_NS_2048_coeff1_25_24, 36, buffer); if (error) goto exit; exit: return (error); } Dword Standard_setFrequency ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Dword frequency ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Byte band; Byte i; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; /** Clear easy mode flag first */ error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, Training_Mode, 0x00); if (error) goto exit; /** Clear empty_channel_status lock flag */ error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, empty_channel_status, 0x00); if (error) goto exit; /** Clear MPEG2 lock flag */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, r_mp2if_sync_byte_locked, mp2if_sync_byte_locked_pos, mp2if_sync_byte_locked_len, 0x00); if (error) goto exit; /** Determine frequency band */ band = 0xFF; for (i = 0; i < Standard_MAX_BAND; i++) { if ((frequency >= Standard_bandTable[i].minimum) && (frequency <= Standard_bandTable[i].maximum)) { band = i; break; } } error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, FreBand, band); if (error) goto exit; if (ganymede->tunerDescription->setTuner != NULL) { if ((ganymede->busId != Bus_I2M) && (ganymede->busId != Bus_I2U)) { if (ganymede->chipNumber > 1 && chip == 0) { error = ganymede->tunerDescription->setTuner (demodulator, chip, ganymede->bandwidth[chip], frequency + 100); if (error) goto exit; } else if (ganymede->chipNumber > 1 && chip == 1) { error = ganymede->tunerDescription->setTuner (demodulator, chip, ganymede->bandwidth[chip], frequency - 100); if (error) goto exit; } else { error = ganymede->tunerDescription->setTuner (demodulator, chip, ganymede->bandwidth[chip], frequency); if (error) goto exit; } } } /** Trigger ofsm */ error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, trigger_ofsm, 0); if (error) goto exit; ganymede->frequency[chip] = frequency; exit: return (error); } Dword Standard_loadFirmware ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte* firmwareCodes, IN Segment* firmwareSegments, IN Byte* firmwarePartitions ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Dword beginPartition; Dword endPartition; Dword version; Dword firmwareLength; Byte* firmwareCodesPointer; Word command; Dword i; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; /** Set I2C master clock speed. */ error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_one_cycle_counter_tuner, User_I2C_SPEED); if (error) goto exit; firmwareCodesPointer = firmwareCodes; if ((ganymede->tunerDescription->tunerId == 0x23 || ganymede->tunerDescription->tunerId == 0x2D) && firmwarePartitions[0] == firmwarePartitions[1]) { beginPartition = firmwarePartitions[0]; endPartition = firmwarePartitions[0] + firmwarePartitions[1]; for (i = 0; i < beginPartition; i++) { firmwareLength = firmwareSegments[i].segmentLength; firmwareCodesPointer += firmwareLength; } } else { beginPartition = 0; endPartition = firmwarePartitions[0]; } for (i = beginPartition; i < endPartition; i++) { firmwareLength = firmwareSegments[i].segmentLength; if (firmwareSegments[i].segmentType == 0) { /** Dwonload firmware */ error = Standard_sendCommand (demodulator, Command_FW_DOWNLOAD_BEGIN, 0, Processor_LINK, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); if (error) goto exit; if (ganymede->cmdDescription->loadFirmware != NULL) { error = ganymede->cmdDescription->loadFirmware (demodulator, firmwareLength, firmwareCodesPointer); } if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_sendCommand (demodulator, Command_FW_DOWNLOAD_END, 0, Processor_LINK, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); if (error) goto exit; } else if (firmwareSegments[i].segmentType == 1) { /** Copy firmware */ error = Standard_sendCommand (demodulator, Command_SCATTER_WRITE, 0, Processor_LINK, firmwareLength, firmwareCodesPointer, 0, NULL); if (error) goto exit; } else { /** Direct write firmware */ command = (Word) (firmwareCodesPointer[0] << 8) + (Word) firmwareCodesPointer[1]; error = Standard_sendCommand (demodulator, command, 0, Processor_LINK, firmwareLength - 2, firmwareCodesPointer + 2, 0, NULL); if (error) goto exit; } firmwareCodesPointer += firmwareLength; } /** Boot */ error = Standard_sendCommand (demodulator, Command_BOOT, 0, Processor_LINK, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); if (error) goto exit; User_delay (demodulator, 10); /** Check if firmware is running */ version = 0; error = Standard_getFirmwareVersion (demodulator, Processor_LINK, &version); if (error) goto exit; if (version == 0) error = Error_BOOT_FAIL; exit: return (error); } Dword Standard_loadScript ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN StreamType streamType, IN Word* scriptSets, IN ValueSet* scripts, IN Word* tunerScriptSets, IN ValueSet* tunerScripts ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Word beginScript; Word endScript; Byte i, value1 = 0, value2 = 0, supportRelay = 0, chipNumber = 0, bufferLens = 1; Word j; Byte buffer[20] = {0,}; Dword tunerAddr, tunerAddrTemp; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; /** Querry SupportRelayCommandWrite **/ error = Standard_readRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, 0x004D, &supportRelay); if (error) goto exit; if (supportRelay && ganymede->chipNumber == 2) chipNumber = 1; else chipNumber = ganymede->chipNumber; /** Enable RelayCommandWrite **/ if (supportRelay) { error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, 0x004E, 1); if (error) goto exit; } if ((scriptSets[0] != 0) && (scripts != NULL)) { beginScript = 0; endScript = scriptSets[0]; for (i = 0; i < chipNumber; i++) { /** Load OFSM init script */ for (j = beginScript; j < endScript; j++) { tunerAddr = tunerAddrTemp = scripts[j].address; buffer[0] = scripts[j].value; while (j < endScript && bufferLens < 20) { tunerAddrTemp += 1; if (tunerAddrTemp != scripts[j+1].address) break; buffer[bufferLens] = scripts[j+1].value; bufferLens ++; j ++; } error = Standard_writeRegisters (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, tunerAddr, bufferLens, buffer); if (error) goto exit; bufferLens = 1; } } } /** Distinguish chip type */ error = Standard_readRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, 0x1222, &value1); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_readRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, 0x384F, &value2); if (error) goto exit; if ((tunerScriptSets[0] != 0) && (tunerScripts != NULL)) { if (tunerScriptSets[1] == tunerScriptSets[0] && !(value1 == 0xF8 && value2 == 0xEA)) { beginScript = tunerScriptSets[0]; endScript = tunerScriptSets[0] + tunerScriptSets[1]; } else { beginScript = 0; endScript = tunerScriptSets[0]; } for (i = 0; i < chipNumber; i++) { /** Load tuner init script */ for (j = beginScript; j < endScript; j++) { tunerAddr = tunerAddrTemp = tunerScripts[j].address; buffer[0] = tunerScripts[j].value; while (j < endScript && bufferLens < 20) { tunerAddrTemp += 1; if (tunerAddrTemp != tunerScripts[j+1].address) break; buffer[bufferLens] = tunerScripts[j+1].value; bufferLens ++; j ++; } error = Standard_writeRegisters (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, tunerAddr, bufferLens, buffer); if (error) goto exit; bufferLens = 1; } } } /** Disable RelayCommandWrite **/ if (supportRelay) { error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, 0x004E, 0); if (error) goto exit; } exit: return (error); } /** end of local functions */ Dword Standard_writeRegister ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Processor processor, IN Dword registerAddress, IN Byte value ) { return (Standard_writeRegisters (demodulator, chip, processor, registerAddress, 1, &value)); } Dword Standard_writeRegisters ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Processor processor, IN Dword registerAddress, IN Byte bufferLength, IN Byte* buffer ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; WriteRegistersRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.chip = chip; request.processor = processor; request.registerAddress = registerAddress; request.bufferLength = bufferLength; User_memoryCopy (demodulator, request.buffer, buffer, bufferLength); result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_WRITEREGISTERS, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Byte registerAddressLength; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (processor == Processor_LINK) { if (registerAddress > 0x000000FF) { registerAddressLength = 2; } else { registerAddressLength = 1; } } else { registerAddressLength = 2; } if (ganymede->cmdDescription->writeRegisters != NULL) { error = ganymede->cmdDescription->writeRegisters (demodulator, chip, processor, registerAddress, registerAddressLength, bufferLength, buffer); } #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_writeTunerRegisters ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Word registerAddress, IN Byte bufferLength, IN Byte* buffer ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->cmdDescription->writeTunerRegisters != NULL) { error = ganymede->cmdDescription->writeTunerRegisters (demodulator, chip, ganymede->tunerDescription->tunerAddress, registerAddress, ganymede->tunerDescription->registerAddressLength, bufferLength, buffer); } return (error); } Dword Standard_writeGenericRegisters ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Byte interfaceIndex, IN Byte slaveAddress, IN Byte bufferLength, IN Byte* buffer ) { Byte writeBuffer[256]; Byte i; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; writeBuffer[0] = bufferLength; writeBuffer[1] = interfaceIndex; writeBuffer[2] = slaveAddress; for (i = 0; i < bufferLength; i++) { writeBuffer[3 + i] = buffer[i]; } return (Standard_sendCommand (demodulator, Command_GENERIC_WRITE, chip, Processor_LINK, bufferLength + 3, writeBuffer, 0, NULL)); } Dword Standard_writeEepromValues ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Word registerAddress, IN Byte bufferLength, IN Byte* buffer ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; WriteEepromValuesRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.chip = chip; request.registerAddress = registerAddress; request.bufferLength = bufferLength; User_memoryCopy (demodulator, request.buffer, buffer, bufferLength); result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_WRITEEEPROMVALUES, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Byte eepromAddress; Byte registerAddressLength; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; /** Read EEPROM address. */ /*error = ganymede->cmdDescription.readRegisters (demodulator, chip, Processor_LINK, 0xBFF0, 1, &eepromAddress); if (error) goto exit; */ eepromAddress = 0x01; /** Read EEPROM valid length of register. */ /*error = ganymede->cmdDescription.readRegisters (demodulator, chip, Processor_LINK, 0xBFF1, 1, ®isterAddressLength); if (error) goto exit; */ registerAddressLength = 0x01; if (ganymede->cmdDescription->writeEepromValues != NULL) { error = ganymede->cmdDescription->writeEepromValues (demodulator, chip, eepromAddress, registerAddress, registerAddressLength, bufferLength, buffer); } #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_writeRegisterBits ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Processor processor, IN Dword registerAddress, IN Byte position, IN Byte length, IN Byte value ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; WriteRegisterBitsRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.chip = chip; request.processor = processor; request.registerAddress = registerAddress; request.position = position; request.length = length; request.value = value; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_WRITEREGISTERBITS, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Byte registerAddressLength; Ganymede* ganymede; Byte temp; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (processor == Processor_LINK) { if (registerAddress > 0x000000FF) { registerAddressLength = 2; } else { registerAddressLength = 1; } } else { registerAddressLength = 2; } if (length == 8) { if (ganymede->cmdDescription->writeRegisters != NULL) { error = ganymede->cmdDescription->writeRegisters (demodulator, chip, processor, registerAddress, registerAddressLength, 1, &value); } } else { if (ganymede->cmdDescription->readRegisters != NULL) { error = ganymede->cmdDescription->readRegisters (demodulator, chip, processor, registerAddress, registerAddressLength, 1, &temp); if (error) goto exit; } temp = REG_CREATE (value, temp, position, length); if (ganymede->cmdDescription->writeRegisters != NULL) { error = ganymede->cmdDescription->writeRegisters (demodulator, chip, processor, registerAddress, registerAddressLength, 1, &temp); if (error) goto exit; } } exit: #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_readRegister ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Processor processor, IN Dword registerAddress, OUT Byte* value ) { return (Standard_readRegisters (demodulator, chip, processor, registerAddress, 1, value)); } Dword Standard_readRegisters ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Processor processor, IN Dword registerAddress, IN Byte bufferLength, OUT Byte* buffer ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; ReadRegistersRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.chip = chip; request.processor = processor; request.registerAddress = registerAddress; request.bufferLength = bufferLength; request.buffer = buffer; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_READREGISTERS, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Byte registerAddressLength; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (processor == Processor_LINK) { if (registerAddress > 0x000000FF) { registerAddressLength = 2; } else { registerAddressLength = 1; } } else { registerAddressLength = 2; } if (ganymede->cmdDescription->readRegisters != NULL) { error = ganymede->cmdDescription->readRegisters (demodulator, chip, processor, registerAddress, registerAddressLength, bufferLength, buffer); } #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_readTunerRegisters ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Word registerAddress, IN Byte bufferLength, IN Byte* buffer ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; ReadTunerRegistersRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.chip = chip; request.registerAddress = registerAddress; request.bufferLength = bufferLength; request.buffer = buffer; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_READTUNERREGISTERS, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->cmdDescription->readTunerRegisters != NULL) { error = ganymede->cmdDescription->readTunerRegisters (demodulator, chip, ganymede->tunerDescription->tunerAddress, registerAddress, ganymede->tunerDescription->registerAddressLength, bufferLength, buffer); } #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_readGenericRegisters ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Byte interfaceIndex, IN Byte slaveAddress, IN Byte bufferLength, IN Byte* buffer ) { Byte writeBuffer[3]; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; writeBuffer[0] = bufferLength; writeBuffer[1] = interfaceIndex; writeBuffer[2] = slaveAddress; return (Standard_sendCommand (demodulator, Command_GENERIC_READ, chip, Processor_LINK, 3, writeBuffer, bufferLength, buffer)); } Dword Standard_readEepromValues ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Word registerAddress, IN Byte bufferLength, OUT Byte* buffer ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; ReadEepromValuesRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.chip = chip; request.registerAddress = registerAddress; request.bufferLength = bufferLength; request.buffer = buffer; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_READEEPROMVALUES, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Byte eepromAddress; Byte registerAddressLength; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; /** Read EEPROM address. */ /*error = ganymede->cmdDescription.readRegisters (demodulator, chip, Processor_LINK, 0xBFF0, 1, &eepromAddress); if (error) goto exit; */ eepromAddress = 0x01; /** Read EEPROM valid length of register. */ /*error = ganymede->cmdDescription.readRegisters (demodulator, chip, Processor_LINK, 0xBFF1, 1, ®isterAddressLength); if (error) goto exit; */ registerAddressLength = 0x01; if (ganymede->cmdDescription->readEepromValues != NULL) { error = ganymede->cmdDescription->readEepromValues (demodulator, chip, eepromAddress, registerAddress, registerAddressLength, bufferLength, buffer); } #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_readRegisterBits ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Processor processor, IN Dword registerAddress, IN Byte position, IN Byte length, OUT Byte* value ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; ReadRegisterBitsRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.chip = chip; request.processor = processor; request.registerAddress = registerAddress; request.position = position; request.length = length; request.value = value; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_READREGISTERBITS, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Byte temp = 0; Byte registerAddressLength; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (processor == Processor_LINK) { if (registerAddress > 0x000000FF) { registerAddressLength = 2; } else { registerAddressLength = 1; } } else { registerAddressLength = 2; } if (ganymede->cmdDescription->readRegisters != NULL) { error = ganymede->cmdDescription->readRegisters (demodulator, chip, processor, registerAddress, registerAddressLength, 1, &temp); } if (error) goto exit; if (length == 8) { *value = temp; } else { temp = REG_GET (temp, position, length); *value = temp; } #endif exit: return (error); } Dword Standard_getHardwareVersion ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, OUT Dword* version ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER #else Byte hwVer0; Byte hwVer1; error = Standard_readRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, 0xFFF0, &hwVer0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_readRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, 0xFFF1, &hwVer1); if (error) goto exit; /** HW Version = HWVer + Top_Ver */ *version = (Dword) (hwVer1 << 8) + (Dword) hwVer0; exit: #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_getFirmwareVersion ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Processor processor, OUT Dword* version ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; GetFirmwareVersionRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.processor = processor; request.version = version; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_GETFIRMWAREVERSION, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Byte writeBuffer[1] = {0,}; Byte readBuffer[4] = {0,}; Byte value = 0; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if ((ganymede->busId == Bus_I2M) || (ganymede->busId == Bus_I2U)) { *version = 0xFFFFFFFF; goto exit; } /** Check chip version */ error = Standard_readRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, 0x1222, &value); if (error) goto exit; if (value == 0xF8 || User_MAX_PKT_SIZE > 9) { writeBuffer[0] = 1; error = Standard_sendCommand (demodulator, Command_QUERYINFO, 0, processor, 1, writeBuffer, 4, readBuffer); if (error) goto exit; } else { error = Standard_sendCommand (demodulator, Command_FW_DOWNLOAD_END, 0, Processor_LINK, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); if (error == 0x01000009) { /* Boot code*/ readBuffer[0] = readBuffer[1] = readBuffer[2] = readBuffer[3] = 0; error = 0; } else if (error == 0x010000FA) { /* Firmware code*/ if (processor == Processor_LINK) { error = Standard_readRegisters (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, 0x83E9, 1, readBuffer); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_readRegisters (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, 0x83EA, 1, readBuffer + 1); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_readRegisters (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, 0x83EB, 1, readBuffer + 2); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_readRegisters (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, 0x83EC, 1, readBuffer + 3); if (error) goto exit; } else { error = Standard_readRegisters (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, 0x4191, 1, readBuffer); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_readRegisters (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, 0x4192, 1, readBuffer + 1); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_readRegisters (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, 0x4193, 1, readBuffer + 2); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_readRegisters (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, 0x4194, 1, readBuffer + 3); if (error) goto exit; } } else /* error */ goto exit; } *version = (Dword) (((Dword) readBuffer[0] << 24) + ((Dword) readBuffer[1] << 16) + ((Dword) readBuffer[2] << 8) + (Dword) readBuffer[3]); exit: #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_getPostVitBer ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, OUT Dword* postErrorCount, /** 24 bits */ OUT Dword* postBitCount, /** 16 bits */ OUT Word* abortCount ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Dword errorCount; Dword bitCount; Byte buffer[7]; Word abort; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; *postErrorCount = 0; *postBitCount = 0; error = Standard_readRegisters (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, rsd_abort_packet_cnt_7_0, r_rsd_packet_unit_15_8 - rsd_abort_packet_cnt_7_0 + 1, buffer); if (error) goto exit; abort = ((Word) buffer[rsd_abort_packet_cnt_15_8 - rsd_abort_packet_cnt_7_0] << 8) + buffer[rsd_abort_packet_cnt_7_0 - rsd_abort_packet_cnt_7_0]; errorCount = ((Dword) buffer[rsd_bit_err_cnt_23_16 - rsd_abort_packet_cnt_7_0] << 16) + ((Dword) buffer[rsd_bit_err_cnt_15_8 - rsd_abort_packet_cnt_7_0] << 8) + buffer[rsd_bit_err_cnt_7_0 - rsd_abort_packet_cnt_7_0]; bitCount = ((Dword) buffer[r_rsd_packet_unit_15_8 - rsd_abort_packet_cnt_7_0] << 8) + buffer[r_rsd_packet_unit_7_0 - rsd_abort_packet_cnt_7_0]; if (bitCount == 0) { /*error = Error_RSD_PKT_CNT_0;*/ *postErrorCount = 1; *postBitCount = 2; *abortCount = 1000; goto exit; } *abortCount = abort; bitCount = bitCount - (Dword)abort; if (bitCount == 0) { *postErrorCount = 1; *postBitCount = 2; } else { *postErrorCount = errorCount - (Dword) abort * 8 * 8; *postBitCount = bitCount * 204 * 8; } exit: return (error); } Dword Standard_getRfAgcGain ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, OUT Byte* rfAgc ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER #else /** get rf_agc_control */ error = Standard_readRegisterBits (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, r_reg_aagc_rf_gain, reg_aagc_rf_gain_pos, reg_aagc_rf_gain_len, rfAgc); #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_getIfAgcGain ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, OUT Byte* ifAgc ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER #else /** get if_agc_control */ error = Standard_readRegisterBits (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, r_reg_aagc_if_gain, reg_aagc_if_gain_pos, reg_aagc_if_gain_len, ifAgc); #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_getSignalQuality ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, OUT Byte* quality ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; error = Standard_readRegister (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, signal_quality, quality); return (error); } Dword Standard_getSignalStrength ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, OUT Byte* strength ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; error = Standard_readRegister (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, signal_strength, strength); return (error); } Dword Standard_getSignalStrengthDbm ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Long rfpullUpVolt_X10, /** RF pull up voltage multiplied by 10 */ IN Long ifpullUpVolt_X10, /** IF pull up voltage multiplied by 10 */ OUT Long* strengthDbm /** DBm */ ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Byte temp; if ((rfpullUpVolt_X10 == 0) || (ifpullUpVolt_X10 == 0)) { error = Error_INV_PULLUP_VOLT; goto exit; } error = Standard_readRegister (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, est_rf_level_dbm, &temp); if (error) goto exit; *strengthDbm = (Long) (temp * -1); exit: return (error); } Dword Standard_loadIrTable ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Word tableLength, IN Byte* table ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Byte baseHigh; Byte baseLow; Word registerBase; Word i; error = Standard_readRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, 0x417F, &baseHigh); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_readRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, 0x4180, &baseLow); if (error) goto exit; registerBase = (Word) (baseHigh << 8) + (Word) baseLow; if (registerBase) { for (i = 0; i < tableLength; i++) { error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, registerBase + i, table[i]); if (error) goto exit; } } exit: return (error); } Dword Standard_initialize ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chipNumber, IN Word sawBandwidth, IN StreamType streamType, IN Architecture architecture ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; InitializeRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; ganymede->driver = NULL; error = Standard_getDriver (demodulator, &ganymede->driver); if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.chipNumber = chipNumber; request.sawBandwidth = sawBandwidth; request.streamType = streamType; request.architecture = architecture; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_INITIALIZE, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Dword crystal = 0; Dword adc = 0; Dword fcw = 0; Byte buffer[4]; Dword version = 0; Word* tunerScriptSets = NULL; ValueSet* tunerScripts = NULL; Byte i; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; ganymede->chipNumber = chipNumber; ganymede->options = 0x0000; ganymede->fcw = 0x00000000; ganymede->frequency[0] = 642000; ganymede->frequency[1] = 642000; ganymede->initialized = False; if (ganymede->busId == 0xFFFF) { goto exit; } if (ganymede->tunerDescription->tunerId == 0xFFFF) { goto exit; } error = Standard_getFirmwareVersion (demodulator, Processor_LINK, &version); if (error) goto exit; if (version != 0) { ganymede->booted = True; } else { ganymede->booted = False; } ganymede->firmwareCodes = Firmware_codes; ganymede->firmwareSegments = Firmware_segments; ganymede->firmwarePartitions = Firmware_partitions; ganymede->scriptSets = Firmware_scriptSets; ganymede->scripts = Firmware_scripts; /** Set up by default tunerDescription */ /** releaseExternalRemove */ tunerScriptSets = ganymede->tunerDescription->tunerScriptSets; tunerScripts = ganymede->tunerDescription->tunerScript; error = Standard_readRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, r_io_mux_pwron_clk_strap, io_mux_pwron_clk_strap_pos, io_mux_pwron_clk_strap_len, &i); if (error) goto exit; ganymede->crystalFrequency = Standard_clockTable[i].crystalFrequency; ganymede->adcFrequency = Standard_clockTable[i].adcFrequency; ganymede->dataReady = False; /** Write secondary I2C address to device */ /** Enable or disable clock out for 2nd chip power saving */ if (ganymede->chipNumber > 1) { error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, 0x417F, Chip2_I2c_address); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_clkoen, 1); if (error) goto exit; } else { error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, 0x417F, 0x00); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_clkoen, 0); if (error) goto exit; } /** Detect the HostA or HostB */ error = Standard_readRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, r_io_mux_pwron_hosta, io_mux_pwron_hosta_pos, io_mux_pwron_hosta_len, &ganymede->hostInterface[0]); if (error) goto exit; /** Load firmware */ if (ganymede->firmwareCodes != NULL) { if (ganymede->booted == False) { error = Standard_loadFirmware (demodulator, ganymede->firmwareCodes, ganymede->firmwareSegments, ganymede->firmwarePartitions); if (error) goto exit; ganymede->booted = True; } } /** Set I2C master clock speed. */ error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_one_cycle_counter_tuner, User_I2C_SPEED); if (error) goto exit; /** Set I2C master clock 100k in order to support tuner I2C. */ error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_one_cycle_counter_tuner, 0x1a); if (error) goto exit; /** Open tuner */ for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { /** Set 0xD827 to 0 as open drain for tuner i2c */ error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, i , Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_padodpu, 0); if (error) goto exit; /** Set 0xD829 to 0 as push pull for tuner AGC */ error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, i , Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_agc_od, 0); if (error) goto exit; } if (ganymede->tunerDescription->openTuner != NULL) { if ((ganymede->busId != Bus_I2M) && (ganymede->busId != Bus_I2U)) { for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { error = ganymede->tunerDescription->openTuner (demodulator, i); if (error) goto exit; } } } for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { /** Tell firmware the type of tuner. */ error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_link_ofsm_dummy_15_8, (Byte) ganymede->tunerDescription->tunerId); if (error) goto exit; } /** Initialize OFDM */ if (ganymede->booted == True) { for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { /** Set read-update bit to 1 for constellation */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_feq_read_update, reg_feq_read_update_pos, reg_feq_read_update_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; /** Enable FEC Monitor */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, p_fec_vtb_rsd_mon_en, fec_vtb_rsd_mon_en_pos, fec_vtb_rsd_mon_en_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } /** Compute ADC and load them to device */ error = Standard_computeCrystal (demodulator, (Long) ganymede->crystalFrequency * 1000, &crystal); if (error) goto exit; buffer[0] = (Byte) (crystal & 0x000000FF); buffer[1] = (Byte) ((crystal & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); buffer[2] = (Byte) ((crystal & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); buffer[3] = (Byte) ((crystal & 0xFF000000) >> 24); for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { error = Standard_writeRegisters (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, crystal_clk_7_0, 4, buffer); if (error) goto exit; } /** Compute ADC and load them to device */ error = Standard_computeAdc (demodulator, (Long) ganymede->adcFrequency, &adc); if (error) goto exit; buffer[0] = (Byte) (adc & 0x000000FF); buffer[1] = (Byte) ((adc & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); buffer[2] = (Byte) ((adc & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { error = Standard_writeRegisters (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_f_adc_7_0, 3, buffer); if (error) goto exit; } /** Compute FCW and load them to device */ error = Standard_computeFcw (demodulator, (Long) ganymede->adcFrequency, (Long) ganymede->tunerDescription->ifFrequency, ganymede->tunerDescription->inversion, &fcw); if (error) goto exit; ganymede->fcw = fcw; buffer[0] = (Byte) (fcw & 0x000000FF); buffer[1] = (Byte) ((fcw & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); buffer[2] = (Byte) ((fcw & 0x007F0000) >> 16); for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { error = Standard_writeRegisters (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, bfs_fcw_7_0, bfs_fcw_22_16 - bfs_fcw_7_0 + 1, buffer); if (error) goto exit; } } /** Load script */ if (ganymede->scripts != NULL) { error = Standard_loadScript (demodulator, streamType, ganymede->scriptSets, ganymede->scripts, tunerScriptSets, tunerScripts); if (error) goto exit; } /** Set the desired stream type */ error = Standard_setStreamType (demodulator, streamType); if (error) goto exit; /** Set the desired architecture type */ error = Standard_setArchitecture (demodulator, architecture); if (error) goto exit; #if User_USE_INTERRUPT if (ganymede->busId == Bus_SDIO) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_sdioc_external_int_en, reg_sdioc_external_int_en_pos, reg_sdioc_external_int_en_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } #endif for (i = 0; i< ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { /** Set H/W MPEG2 locked detection **/ error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_lock3_out, 1); if (error) goto exit; /** Set registers for driving power 0xD830 **/ error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_padmiscdr2, 1); if (error) goto exit; /** Set registers for driving power 0xD831 **/ error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_padmiscdr4, 0); if (error) goto exit; /** Set registers for driving power 0xD832 **/ error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_padmiscdr8, 0); if (error) goto exit; } ganymede->initialized = True; #endif exit: return (error); } Dword Standard_finalize ( IN Demodulator* demodulator ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; FinalizeRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_FINALIZE, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Byte i; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->tunerDescription->closeTuner != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { error = ganymede->tunerDescription->closeTuner (demodulator, i); } } #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_isTpsLocked ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, OUT Bool* locked ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER #else Byte temp; *locked = False; error = Standard_readRegisterBits (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, p_fd_tpsd_lock, fd_tpsd_lock_pos, fd_tpsd_lock_len, &temp); if (error) goto exit; if (temp) *locked = True; exit: #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_isMpeg2Locked ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, OUT Bool* locked ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER #else Byte temp; *locked = False; error = Standard_readRegisterBits (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, r_mp2if_sync_byte_locked, mp2if_sync_byte_locked_pos, mp2if_sync_byte_locked_len, &temp); if (error) goto exit; if (temp) *locked = True; exit: #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_isLocked ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, OUT Bool* locked ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Word emptyLoop = 0; Word tpsLoop = 0; Word mpeg2Loop = 0; Byte channels[2]; Byte begin; Byte end; Byte i; Byte emptyChannel = 1; Byte tpsLocked = 0; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; IsLockedRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.chip = chip; request.locked = locked; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_ISLOCKED, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; *locked = False; if (ganymede->architecture == Architecture_DCA) { begin = 0; end = ganymede->chipNumber; } else { begin = chip; end = begin + 1; } for (i = begin; i < end; i++) { ganymede->statistic[i].signalPresented = False; ganymede->statistic[i].signalLocked = False; ganymede->statistic[i].signalQuality = 0; ganymede->statistic[i].signalStrength = 0; } channels[0] = 2; channels[1] = 2; while (emptyLoop < 40) { for (i = begin; i < end; i++) { error = Standard_readRegister (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, empty_channel_status, &channels[i]); if (error) goto exit; } if ((channels[0] == 1) || (channels[1] == 1)) { emptyChannel = 0; break; } if ((channels[0] == 2) && (channels[1] == 2)) { emptyChannel = 1; goto exit; } User_delay (demodulator, 25); emptyLoop++; } if (emptyChannel == 1) goto exit; while (tpsLoop < 50) { for (i = begin; i < end; i++) { /** Empty channel */ error = Standard_isTpsLocked (demodulator, i, &ganymede->statistic[i].signalPresented); if (error) goto exit; if (ganymede->statistic[i].signalPresented == True) { tpsLocked = 1; break; } } if (tpsLocked == 1) break; User_delay (demodulator, 25); tpsLoop++; } if (tpsLocked == 0) goto exit; while (mpeg2Loop < 40) { if (ganymede->architecture == Architecture_DCA) { error = Standard_isMpeg2Locked (demodulator, 0, &ganymede->statistic[0].signalLocked); if (error) goto exit; if (ganymede->statistic[0].signalLocked == True) { for (i = begin; i < end; i++) { ganymede->statistic[i].signalQuality = 80; ganymede->statistic[i].signalStrength = 80; } *locked = True; break; } } else { error = Standard_isMpeg2Locked (demodulator, chip, &ganymede->statistic[chip].signalLocked); if (error) goto exit; if (ganymede->statistic[chip].signalLocked == True) { ganymede->statistic[chip].signalQuality = 80; ganymede->statistic[chip].signalStrength = 80; *locked = True; break; } } User_delay (demodulator, 25); mpeg2Loop++; } for (i = begin; i < end; i++) { ganymede->statistic[i].signalQuality = 0; ganymede->statistic[i].signalStrength = 20; } return (error); exit: #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_reset ( IN Demodulator* demodulator ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER #else Byte value; Byte i; Byte j; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { /** Enable OFDM reset */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, I2C_reg_ofdm_rst_en, reg_ofdm_rst_en_pos, reg_ofdm_rst_en_len, 0x01); if (error) goto exit; /** Start reset mechanism */ value = 0x00; error = Standard_writeRegisters (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, RESET_STATE, 1, &value); if (error) goto exit; /** Clear ofdm reset */ for (j = 0; j < 150; j++) { error = Standard_readRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, I2C_reg_ofdm_rst, reg_ofdm_rst_pos, reg_ofdm_rst_len, &value); if (error) goto exit; if (value) break; User_delay (demodulator, 10); } if (j == 150) { error = Error_RESET_TIMEOUT; goto exit; } error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, I2C_reg_ofdm_rst, reg_ofdm_rst_pos, reg_ofdm_rst_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; /** Disable OFDM reset */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, I2C_reg_ofdm_rst_en, reg_ofdm_rst_en_pos, reg_ofdm_rst_en_len, 0x00); if (error) goto exit; } exit: #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_getChannelModulation ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, OUT ChannelModulation* channelModulation ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; GetChannelModulationRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.chip = chip; request.channelModulation = channelModulation; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_GETCHANNELMODULATION, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Byte temp; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; /** Get constellation type */ error = Standard_readRegisterBits (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, g_reg_tpsd_const, reg_tpsd_const_pos, reg_tpsd_const_len, &temp); if (error) goto exit; channelModulation->constellation = (Constellation) temp; /** Get TPS hierachy and alpha value */ error = Standard_readRegisterBits (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, g_reg_tpsd_hier, reg_tpsd_hier_pos, reg_tpsd_hier_len, &temp); if (error) goto exit; channelModulation->hierarchy = (Hierarchy)temp; /** Get high/low priority */ error = Standard_readRegisterBits (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, g_reg_dec_pri, reg_dec_pri_pos, reg_dec_pri_len, &temp); if (error) goto exit; if (temp) channelModulation->priority = Priority_HIGH; else channelModulation->priority = Priority_LOW; /** Get high code rate */ error = Standard_readRegisterBits (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, g_reg_tpsd_hpcr, reg_tpsd_hpcr_pos, reg_tpsd_hpcr_len, &temp); if (error) goto exit; channelModulation->highCodeRate = (CodeRate) temp; /** Get low code rate */ error = Standard_readRegisterBits (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, g_reg_tpsd_lpcr, reg_tpsd_lpcr_pos, reg_tpsd_lpcr_len, &temp); if (error) goto exit; channelModulation->lowCodeRate = (CodeRate) temp; /** Get guard interval */ error = Standard_readRegisterBits (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, g_reg_tpsd_gi, reg_tpsd_gi_pos, reg_tpsd_gi_len, &temp); if (error) goto exit; channelModulation->interval = (Interval) temp; /** Get FFT mode */ error = Standard_readRegisterBits (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, g_reg_tpsd_txmod, reg_tpsd_txmod_pos, reg_tpsd_txmod_len, &temp); if (error) goto exit; channelModulation->transmissionMode = (TransmissionModes) temp; /** Get bandwidth */ error = Standard_readRegisterBits (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, g_reg_bw, reg_bw_pos, reg_bw_len, &temp); if (error) goto exit; channelModulation->bandwidth = (Bandwidth) temp; /** Get frequency */ channelModulation->frequency = ganymede->frequency[chip]; exit: #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_acquireChannel ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Word bandwidth, IN Dword frequency ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Byte begin; Byte end; Byte i; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; AcquireChannelRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.chip = chip; request.frequency = frequency; request.bandwidth = bandwidth; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_ACQUIRECHANNEL, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->architecture == Architecture_DCA) { begin = 0; end = ganymede->chipNumber; } else { begin = chip; end = begin + 1; } for (i = begin; i < end; i++) { error = Standard_selectBandwidth (demodulator, i, bandwidth, ganymede->adcFrequency); if (error) goto exit; ganymede->bandwidth[i] = bandwidth; } error = Standard_maskDcaOutput (demodulator); if (error) goto exit; /** Set frequency */ for (i = begin; i < end; i++) { error = Standard_setFrequency (demodulator, i, frequency); if (error) goto exit; } exit: #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_setStreamType ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN StreamType streamType ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; SetStreamTypeRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.streamType = streamType; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_SETSTREAMTYPE, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Ganymede* ganymede; Byte i; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; /** Enable DVB-T interrupt if next stream type is StreamType_DVBT_DATAGRAM */ if (streamType == StreamType_DVBT_DATAGRAM) { for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_dvbt_inten, reg_dvbt_inten_pos, reg_dvbt_inten_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; if ((ganymede->busId == Bus_USB) || (ganymede->busId == Bus_USB11)) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_mpeg_full_speed, reg_mpeg_full_speed_pos, reg_mpeg_full_speed_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; } else { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_mpeg_full_speed, reg_mpeg_full_speed_pos, reg_mpeg_full_speed_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } } } /** Enable DVB-T mode */ for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_dvbt_en, reg_dvbt_en_pos, reg_dvbt_en_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } /** Enter sub mode */ switch (streamType) { case StreamType_DVBT_DATAGRAM : if ((ganymede->busId == Bus_USB) || (ganymede->busId == Bus_USB11)) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, p_mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode, mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, p_mp2if_mpeg_par_mode, mp2if_mpeg_par_mode_pos, mp2if_mpeg_par_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; /** Fix current leakage */ if (ganymede->chipNumber > 1) { if (ganymede->hostInterface[0]) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_mpeg_par_mode, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_par_mode_pos, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_par_mode_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } else { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode_pos, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } } else { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode_pos, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_mpeg_par_mode, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_par_mode_pos, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_par_mode_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } } else { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, p_mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode, mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, p_mp2if_mpeg_par_mode, mp2if_mpeg_par_mode_pos, mp2if_mpeg_par_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; /** Fix current leakage */ if (ganymede->chipNumber > 1) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode_pos, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_mpeg_par_mode, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_par_mode_pos, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_par_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; } else { if (ganymede->hostInterface[0]) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_mpeg_par_mode, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_par_mode_pos, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_par_mode_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } else { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode_pos, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } } } break; case StreamType_DVBT_PARALLEL : for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, p_mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode, mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, p_mp2if_mpeg_par_mode, mp2if_mpeg_par_mode_pos, mp2if_mpeg_par_mode_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; if (i == 0) { if (ganymede->hostInterface[0]) { /** HostA interface is enabled */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode_pos, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } else { /** HostB interface is enabled */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_mpeg_par_mode, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_par_mode_pos, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_par_mode_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } } else { /** HostA interface is enabled */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode_pos, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } } break; case StreamType_DVBT_SERIAL : for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, p_mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode, mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; if (i == 0) { if (ganymede->hostInterface[0]) { /** HostA interface is enabled */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } else { /** HostB interface is enabled */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } } else { /** HostA interface is enabled */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } } break; default: break; } error = User_mpegConfig (demodulator); ganymede->streamType = streamType; exit: #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_setArchitecture ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Architecture architecture ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; SetArchitectureRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.architecture = architecture; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_SETARCHITECTURE, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Word frameSize; Byte packetSize; Byte buffer[2]; Byte standAlone[2]; Byte upperChip[2]; Byte upperHost[2]; Byte lowerChip[2]; Byte lowerHost[2]; Byte dcaEnable[2]; Byte phaseLatch[2]; Byte fpgaLatch[2]; Byte i; Bool pipValid = False; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (architecture == Architecture_DCA) { for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { standAlone[i] = 0; upperChip[i] = 0; upperHost[i] = 0; lowerChip[i] = 0; lowerHost[i] = 0; dcaEnable[i] = 1; phaseLatch[i] = 0; fpgaLatch[i] = 0; } if (ganymede->chipNumber == 1) { standAlone[0] = 1; dcaEnable[0] = 0; } else { upperChip[ganymede->chipNumber - 1] = 1; upperHost[0] = 1; lowerChip[0] = 1; lowerHost[ganymede->chipNumber - 1] = 1; phaseLatch[0] = 1; phaseLatch[ganymede->chipNumber - 1] = 1; fpgaLatch[0] = 0x77; fpgaLatch[ganymede->chipNumber - 1] = 0x77; } } else { for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { standAlone[i] = 1; upperChip[i] = 0; upperHost[i] = 0; lowerChip[i] = 0; lowerHost[i] = 0; dcaEnable[i] = 0; phaseLatch[i] = 0; fpgaLatch[i] = 0; } } if (ganymede->initialized == True) { error = Standard_maskDcaOutput (demodulator); if (error) goto exit; } /** Set upper chip first in order to avoid I/O conflict */ for (i = ganymede->chipNumber; i > 0; i--) { /** Set dca_upper_chip */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_dca_upper_chip, reg_dca_upper_chip_pos, reg_dca_upper_chip_len, upperChip[i - 1]); if (error) goto exit; if (i == 1) { if ((ganymede->busId == Bus_USB) || (ganymede->busId == Bus_USB11)) { if (ganymede->hostInterface[0]) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_dca_upper, reg_top_hosta_dca_upper_pos, reg_top_hosta_dca_upper_len, upperHost[i - 1]); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_dca_upper, reg_top_hostb_dca_upper_pos, reg_top_hostb_dca_upper_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; } else { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_dca_upper, reg_top_hostb_dca_upper_pos, reg_top_hostb_dca_upper_len, upperHost[i - 1]); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_dca_upper, reg_top_hosta_dca_upper_pos, reg_top_hosta_dca_upper_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; } } else { if (ganymede->hostInterface[0]) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_dca_upper, reg_top_hostb_dca_upper_pos, reg_top_hostb_dca_upper_len, upperHost[i - 1]); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_dca_upper, reg_top_hosta_dca_upper_pos, reg_top_hosta_dca_upper_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; } else { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_dca_upper, reg_top_hosta_dca_upper_pos, reg_top_hosta_dca_upper_len, upperHost[i - 1]); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_dca_upper, reg_top_hostb_dca_upper_pos, reg_top_hostb_dca_upper_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; } } } else { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_dca_upper, reg_top_hostb_dca_upper_pos, reg_top_hostb_dca_upper_len, upperHost[i - 1]); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_dca_upper, reg_top_hosta_dca_upper_pos, reg_top_hosta_dca_upper_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; } /** Set dca_lower_chip */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_dca_lower_chip, reg_dca_lower_chip_pos, reg_dca_lower_chip_len, lowerChip[i - 1]); if (error) goto exit; if (i == 1) { if ((ganymede->busId == Bus_USB) || (ganymede->busId == Bus_USB11)) { if (ganymede->hostInterface[0]) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_dca_lower, reg_top_hosta_dca_lower_pos, reg_top_hosta_dca_lower_len, lowerHost[i - 1]); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_dca_lower, reg_top_hostb_dca_lower_pos, reg_top_hostb_dca_lower_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; } else { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_dca_lower, reg_top_hostb_dca_lower_pos, reg_top_hostb_dca_lower_len, lowerHost[i - 1]); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_dca_lower, reg_top_hosta_dca_lower_pos, reg_top_hosta_dca_lower_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; } } else { if (ganymede->hostInterface[0]) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_dca_lower, reg_top_hostb_dca_lower_pos, reg_top_hostb_dca_lower_len, lowerHost[i - 1]); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_dca_lower, reg_top_hosta_dca_lower_pos, reg_top_hosta_dca_lower_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; } else { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_dca_lower, reg_top_hosta_dca_lower_pos, reg_top_hosta_dca_lower_len, lowerHost[i - 1]); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_dca_lower, reg_top_hostb_dca_lower_pos, reg_top_hostb_dca_lower_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; } } } else { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_dca_lower, reg_top_hostb_dca_lower_pos, reg_top_hostb_dca_lower_len, lowerHost[i - 1]); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_dca_lower, reg_top_hosta_dca_lower_pos, reg_top_hosta_dca_lower_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; } /** Set phase latch */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_dca_platch, reg_dca_platch_pos, reg_dca_platch_len, phaseLatch[i - 1]); if (error) goto exit; /** Set fpga latch */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_dca_fpga_latch, reg_dca_fpga_latch_pos, reg_dca_fpga_latch_len, fpgaLatch[i - 1]); if (error) goto exit; } for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { /** Set stand alone */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_dca_stand_alone, reg_dca_stand_alone_pos, reg_dca_stand_alone_len, standAlone[i]); if (error) goto exit; /** Set DCA enable */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_dca_en, reg_dca_en_pos, reg_dca_en_len, dcaEnable[i]); if (error) goto exit; } if (ganymede->initialized == True) { for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, trigger_ofsm, 0); if (error) goto exit; } } if ((ganymede->busId == Bus_USB) || (ganymede->busId == Bus_USB11)) { frameSize = User_USB20_FRAME_SIZE_DW; packetSize = (Byte) (User_USB20_MAX_PACKET_SIZE / 4); if (ganymede->busId == Bus_USB11) { frameSize = User_USB11_FRAME_SIZE_DW; packetSize = (Byte) (User_USB11_MAX_PACKET_SIZE / 4); } if ((ganymede->chipNumber > 1) && (architecture == Architecture_PIP)) pipValid = True; /** Reset EP4 */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_mp2_sw_rst, reg_mp2_sw_rst_pos, reg_mp2_sw_rst_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; /** Reset EP5 */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_mp2if2_sw_rst, reg_mp2if2_sw_rst_pos, reg_mp2if2_sw_rst_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; /** Disable EP4 */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_ep4_tx_en, reg_ep4_tx_en_pos, reg_ep4_tx_en_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; /** Disable EP5 */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_ep5_tx_en, reg_ep5_tx_en_pos, reg_ep5_tx_en_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; /** Disable EP4 NAK */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_ep4_tx_nak, reg_ep4_tx_nak_pos, reg_ep4_tx_nak_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; /** Disable EP5 NAK */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_ep5_tx_nak, reg_ep5_tx_nak_pos, reg_ep5_tx_nak_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; /** Enable EP4 */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_ep4_tx_en, reg_ep4_tx_en_pos, reg_ep4_tx_en_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; /** Set EP4 transfer length */ buffer[p_reg_ep4_tx_len_7_0 - p_reg_ep4_tx_len_7_0] = (Byte) frameSize; buffer[p_reg_ep4_tx_len_15_8 - p_reg_ep4_tx_len_7_0] = (Byte) (frameSize >> 8); error = Standard_writeRegisters (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_ep4_tx_len_7_0, 2, buffer); /** Set EP4 packet size */ error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_ep4_max_pkt, packetSize); if (error) goto exit; if (pipValid == True) { /** Enable EP5 */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_ep5_tx_en, reg_ep5_tx_en_pos, reg_ep5_tx_en_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; /** Set EP5 transfer length */ buffer[p_reg_ep5_tx_len_7_0 - p_reg_ep5_tx_len_7_0] = (Byte) frameSize; buffer[p_reg_ep5_tx_len_15_8 - p_reg_ep5_tx_len_7_0] = (Byte) (frameSize >> 8); error = Standard_writeRegisters (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_ep5_tx_len_7_0, 2, buffer); /** Set EP5 packet size */ error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_ep5_max_pkt, packetSize); if (error) goto exit; } /** Disable 15 SER/PAR mode */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, p_mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode, mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, p_mp2if_mpeg_par_mode, mp2if_mpeg_par_mode_pos, mp2if_mpeg_par_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; if (pipValid == True) { /** Enable mp2if2 */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_mp2if2_en, reg_mp2if2_en_pos, reg_mp2if2_en_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; for (i = 1; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { /** Enable serial mode */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, p_mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode, mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; /** Enable HostB serial */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } /** Enable tsis */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_tsis_en, reg_tsis_en_pos, reg_tsis_en_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } else { /** Disable mp2if2 */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_mp2if2_en, reg_mp2if2_en_pos, reg_mp2if2_en_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; for (i = 1; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { /** Disable serial mode */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, p_mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode, mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, mp2if_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; /** Disable HostB serial */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, reg_top_hostb_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; } /** Disable tsis */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_tsis_en, reg_tsis_en_pos, reg_tsis_en_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; } /** Negate EP4 reset */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_mp2_sw_rst, reg_mp2_sw_rst_pos, reg_mp2_sw_rst_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; /** Negate EP5 reset */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_mp2if2_sw_rst, reg_mp2if2_sw_rst_pos, reg_mp2if2_sw_rst_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; if (pipValid == True) { /** Split 15 PSB to 1K + 1K and enable flow control */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_mp2if2_half_psb, reg_mp2if2_half_psb_pos, reg_mp2if2_half_psb_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_mp2if_stop_en, reg_mp2if_stop_en_pos, reg_mp2if_stop_en_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; for (i = 1; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_mpeg_full_speed, reg_mpeg_full_speed_pos, reg_mpeg_full_speed_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_mp2if_stop_en, reg_mp2if_stop_en_pos, reg_mp2if_stop_en_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; } } } ganymede->architecture = architecture; exit: #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_setViterbiRange ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Byte superFrameCount, IN Word packetUnit ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; SetStatisticRangeRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.chip = chip; request.superFrameCount = superFrameCount; request.packetUnit = packetUnit; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_SETSTATISTICRANGE, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Byte temp0; Byte temp1; /** Set super frame count */ error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, qnt_vbc_sframe_num, superFrameCount); if (error) goto exit; /** Set packet unit. */ temp0 = (Byte) packetUnit; temp1 = (Byte) (packetUnit >> 8); error = Standard_writeRegisters (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, rsd_packet_unit_7_0, 1, &temp0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisters (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, rsd_packet_unit_15_8, 1, &temp1); if (error) goto exit; exit: #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_getViterbiRange ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Byte* frameCount, IN Word* packetUnit ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; GetStatisticRangeRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.chip = chip; request.superFrameCount = superFrameCount; request.packetUnit = packetUnit; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_GETSTATISTICRANGE, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Byte temp0; Byte temp1; /** Get super frame count */ error = Standard_readRegister (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, qnt_vbc_sframe_num, frameCount); if (error) goto exit; /** Get packet unit. */ error = Standard_readRegisters (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, r_rsd_packet_unit_7_0, 1, &temp0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_readRegisters (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, r_rsd_packet_unit_15_8, 1, &temp1); if (error) goto exit; *packetUnit = (Word) (temp1 << 8) + (Word) temp0; exit: #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_getStatistic ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, OUT Statistic* statistic ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; GetStatisticRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.chip = chip; request.statistic = statistic; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_GETSTATISTIC, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Ganymede* ganymede; Byte quality; Byte strength; Byte buffer[2]; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; /** Get statistic by stream type */ error = Standard_readRegisters (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, tpsd_lock, mpeg_lock - tpsd_lock + 1, buffer); if (error) goto exit; if (buffer[tpsd_lock - tpsd_lock]) ganymede->statistic[chip].signalPresented = True; else ganymede->statistic[chip].signalPresented = False; if (buffer[mpeg_lock - tpsd_lock]) ganymede->statistic[chip].signalLocked = True; else ganymede->statistic[chip].signalLocked = False; error = Standard_getSignalQuality (demodulator, chip, &quality); if (error) goto exit; ganymede->statistic[chip].signalQuality = quality; error = Standard_getSignalStrength (demodulator, chip, &strength); if (error) goto exit; ganymede->statistic[chip].signalStrength = strength; *statistic = ganymede->statistic[chip]; exit: #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_getInterrupts ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, OUT Interrupts* interrupts ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Ganymede* ganymede; Byte value = 0; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; /** Get interrupts by stream type */ *interrupts = Interrupt_NONE; /** Read the interrupts register to determine the type of interrupts. */ error = Standard_readRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, r_link_ofsm_dvbt_int, &value); if (error) goto exit; if (value & 0x04) { ganymede->dataReady = True; *interrupts |= Interrupt_DVBT; } exit: return (error); } Dword Standard_clearInterrupt ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Interrupt interrupt ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Ganymede* ganymede; Byte value = 0; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; /** Clear interrupt by stream type */ //error = ganymede->dvbtStandardDescription.clearInterrupt (demodulator, interrupt); value = (Byte) interrupt; /** Clear the specific interrupt. */ error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_dvbt_intsts, value); return (error); } Dword Standard_getDataLength ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, OUT Dword* dataLength, OUT Bool* valid /** used in DVBH mode */ ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; /** Get data length by stream type */ switch (ganymede->burstSize) { case BurstSize_1024 : *dataLength = 1024; break; case BurstSize_2048 : *dataLength = 2048; break; case BurstSize_4096 : *dataLength = 4096; break; } *valid = True; return (error); } Dword Standard_getData ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Dword bufferLength, OUT Byte* buffer ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; /** Get data by stream type */ //error = ganymede->dvbtStandardDescription.getData (demodulator, bufferLength, buffer); if (bufferLength == 0) { error = Error_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH; goto exit; } /** IP datagram is locate in a special register 0xF00000 */ error = ganymede->cmdDescription->receiveData (demodulator, 0xF00000, bufferLength, buffer); if (error) goto exit; ganymede->dataReady = False; exit: return (error); } /** combine Standard_getLength and Standard_getData */ Dword Standard_getDatagram ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, OUT Dword* bufferLength, OUT Byte* buffer ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; GetDatagramRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.bufferLength = bufferLength; request.buffer = buffer; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_GETDATAGRAM, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Ganymede* ganymede; Dword length = 0; Byte value; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; /** Get datagram by stream type */ //error = ganymede->dvbtStandardDescription.getDatagram (demodulator, bufferLength, buffer); #if User_USE_INTERRUPT #else error = Standard_readRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, r_link_ofsm_ip_valid, link_ofsm_ip_valid_pos, link_ofsm_ip_valid_len, &value); if (error) goto exit; if (value) { ganymede->dataReady = True; } if (ganymede->dataReady == False) { *bufferLength = 0; error = Error_NOT_READY; goto exit; } #endif switch (ganymede->burstSize) { case BurstSize_1024 : length = 1024; break; case BurstSize_2048 : length = 2048; break; case BurstSize_4096 : length = 4096; break; } if (*bufferLength >= length) { //error = Dvbt_getData (demodulator, length, (Byte*) buffer); //if (error) goto exit; if (bufferLength == 0) { error = Error_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH; goto exit; } /** IP datagram is locate in a special register 0xF00000 */ error = ganymede->cmdDescription->receiveData (demodulator, 0xF00000, length, buffer); if (error) goto exit; *bufferLength = length; ganymede->dataReady = False; *bufferLength = length; } else { error = Error_BUFFER_INSUFFICIENT; } exit: #endif return (error); } /** get ir raw code (4 bytes) */ Dword Standard_getIrCode ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, OUT Dword* code ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Byte readBuffer[4]; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; error = Standard_sendCommand (demodulator, Command_IR_GET, 0, Processor_LINK, 0, NULL, 4, readBuffer); if (error) goto exit; *code = (Dword) ((readBuffer[0] << 24) + (readBuffer[1] << 16) + (readBuffer[2] << 8) + readBuffer[3]); exit: return (error); } Dword Standard_reboot ( IN Demodulator* demodulator ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Dword version; Byte i; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; error = Standard_getFirmwareVersion (demodulator, Processor_LINK, &version); if (error) goto exit; if (version == 0xFFFFFFFF) goto exit; /** I2M and I2U */ if (version != 0) { for (i = ganymede->chipNumber; i > 0; i--) { error = ganymede->cmdDescription->reboot (demodulator, i - 1); User_delay (demodulator, 1); if (error) goto exit; } if ((ganymede->busId == Bus_USB) || (ganymede->busId == Bus_USB11)) goto exit; User_delay (demodulator, 10); version = 1; for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) { error = Standard_getFirmwareVersion (demodulator, Processor_LINK, &version); if (error == Error_NO_ERROR) break; User_delay (demodulator, 10); } if (error) goto exit; if (version != 0) error = Error_REBOOT_FAIL; } for (i = ganymede->chipNumber; i > 0; i--) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i - 1, Processor_LINK, p_reg_p_dmb_sw_reset, reg_p_dmb_sw_reset_pos, reg_p_dmb_sw_reset_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } ganymede->booted = False; exit: return (error); } Dword Standard_controlPowerSaving ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Byte control ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; ControlPowerSavingRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.chip = chip; request.control = control; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_CONTROLPOWERSAVING, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Byte temp; Byte begin; Byte end; Byte i; Byte j; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->architecture == Architecture_DCA) { begin = 0; end = ganymede->chipNumber; } else { begin = chip; end = begin + 1; } if (control) { /** Power up case */ if ((ganymede->busId == Bus_USB) || (ganymede->busId == Bus_USB11)) { for (i = begin; i < end; i++) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_afe_mem0, 3, 1, 0); if (error) goto exit; } } else { /** TS, SPI, and SDIO case */ /** not implemented yet */ } /** Fixed current leakage */ switch (ganymede->busId) { case Bus_SPI : case Bus_SDIO : case Bus_USB : case Bus_USB11 : if (ganymede->chipNumber > 1) { for (i = 1; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { /** Disable HostA parallel */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode_pos, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; } } break; } } else { /** Power down case */ if ((ganymede->busId == Bus_USB) || (ganymede->busId == Bus_USB11)) { for (i = begin; i < end; i++) { error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, suspend_flag, 1); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, trigger_ofsm, 0); if (error) goto exit; for (j = 0; j < 150; j++) { error = Standard_readRegister (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, suspend_flag, &temp); if (error) goto exit; if (!temp) break; User_delay (demodulator, 10); } error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_OFDM, p_reg_afe_mem0, 3, 1, 1); if (error) goto exit; } } else { /** TS SPI SDIO */ /** not implemented yet */ } /** Fixed current leakage */ switch (ganymede->busId) { case Bus_SPI : case Bus_SDIO : case Bus_USB : case Bus_USB11 : if (ganymede->chipNumber > 1) { for (i = 1; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { /** Enable HostA parallel */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_pos, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_ser_mode_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode_pos, reg_top_hosta_mpeg_par_mode_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } } break; } } exit: #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_controlTunerPowerSaving ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte control ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; if (control) { error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_gpioh7_en, 1); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_gpioh7_on, 1); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_gpioh7_o, 1); if (error) goto exit; } else { error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_gpioh7_en, 1); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_gpioh7_on, 1); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_top_gpioh7_o, 0); if (error) goto exit; } exit: return (error); } Dword Standard_controlPidFilter ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Byte control ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; ControlPidFilterRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.chip = chip; request.control = control; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_CONTROLPIDFILTER, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, p_mp2if_pid_en, mp2if_pid_en_pos, mp2if_pid_en_len, control); #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_resetPidFilter ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER #else Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, p_mp2if_pid_rst, mp2if_pid_rst_pos, mp2if_pid_rst_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; exit: #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_addPidToFilter ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN Byte chip, IN Byte index, IN Pid pid ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; #if User_USE_DRIVER DWORD number; BOOL result; AddPidRequest request; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (ganymede->driver != NULL) { request.chip = chip; request.pid = pid; result = DeviceIoControl ( ganymede->driver, IOCTL_AFA_DEMOD_ADDPID, &request, sizeof (request), NULL, 0, &number, NULL ); error = request.error; } else { error = Error_DRIVER_INVALID; } #else Byte writeBuffer[2]; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; /** Enable pid filter */ error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, p_mp2if_pid_en, mp2if_pid_en_pos, mp2if_pid_en_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; writeBuffer[0] = (Byte) pid.value; writeBuffer[1] = (Byte) (pid.value >> 8); error = Standard_writeRegisters (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, p_mp2if_pid_dat_l, 2, writeBuffer); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, p_mp2if_pid_index_en, mp2if_pid_index_en_pos, mp2if_pid_index_en_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegister (demodulator, chip, Processor_OFDM, p_mp2if_pid_index, index); if (error) goto exit; exit: #endif return (error); } Dword Standard_setBurstSize ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN BurstSize burstSize ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Byte i; Ganymede* ganymede; ganymede = (Ganymede*) demodulator; if (burstSize == BurstSize_4096) { error = Error_NOT_SUPPORT; goto exit; } switch (burstSize) { case BurstSize_1024 : for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_dvbt_path, reg_dvbt_path_pos, reg_dvbt_path_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_dvbt_bufsize, reg_dvbt_bufsize_pos, reg_dvbt_bufsize_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } ganymede->burstSize = BurstSize_1024; break; case BurstSize_2048 : for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_dvbt_path, reg_dvbt_path_pos, reg_dvbt_path_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_dvbt_bufsize, reg_dvbt_bufsize_pos, reg_dvbt_bufsize_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; } ganymede->burstSize = BurstSize_2048; break; case BurstSize_4096 : for (i = 0; i < ganymede->chipNumber; i++) { error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_dvbt_path, reg_dvbt_path_pos, reg_dvbt_path_len, 0); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_writeRegisterBits (demodulator, i, Processor_LINK, p_reg_dvbt_bufsize, reg_dvbt_bufsize_pos, reg_dvbt_bufsize_len, 1); if (error) goto exit; } ganymede->burstSize = BurstSize_4096; break; } exit: return (error); } Dword Standard_getBurstSize ( IN Demodulator* demodulator, IN BurstSize* burstSize ) { Dword error = Error_NO_ERROR; Byte path; Byte size; error = Standard_readRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_dvbt_path, reg_dvbt_path_pos, reg_dvbt_path_len, &path); if (error) goto exit; error = Standard_readRegisterBits (demodulator, 0, Processor_LINK, p_reg_dvbt_bufsize, reg_dvbt_bufsize_pos, reg_dvbt_bufsize_len, &size); if (error) goto exit; if (path) { if (size) { *burstSize = BurstSize_1024; } else { *burstSize = BurstSize_2048; } } else { if (size) { *burstSize = BurstSize_4096; } else { *burstSize = BurstSize_2048; } } exit: return (error); }