\section{Introduction} For the master course Advanced Databases (2ID45), we have chosen to create a liquor database. The project is called ”Pottepei” which is Flemish (Brussels) for a drunk. To access the database a web interface, which can be found at "http://pottepei.schinagl.nl", was made available. \\ This document will discus the inside view of the project. The general description of the project can be found in chapter 2. Also in this chapter, a description of what the website does and an overview of the techniques that were used to complete the project. \\ In the next chapters we will go further into details about the techniques we used. In chapter 3 we will discuss all the XML aspects of the project, discuss the XML files used, how they are laid out and their purpose. \\ In chapter 4 we will explain which query's were used to achieve some goals. Some query's will be given and explained. \\ Finally we will finish chapter 5 with a conclusion. \\