University of Antwerp Databases: System Concepts A. Silberschatz H. F. Korth S. Sudarshan McGraw-Hill LiXQuery: A formal foundation for XQuery research J. Hidders P. Michiels J. Paredaens R. Vercammen ACM SIGMOD Record Wikipedia page on XML A7 A15 Introduction to Data Mining P.-N. Tan M. Steinbach V. Kumar Pearson Principles of Data mining D. Hand H. Mannila P. Smyth The MIT press A8 Databases: System Concepts A. Silberschatz H. F. Korth S. Sudarshan McGraw-Hill A7 Matrix 1.60 Introduction to Information Retrieval C. Manning P. Raghavan H. Schuetze Cambridge University Press Matrix 1.50 Logical Reasoning: A First Course 3 Texts in Computing R. Nederpelt F. Kamareddine King's College Publications A5 A4 A9 A12