\section{Introduction} For the master course Advanced Databases (2ID45), group 1 chose to create a liquor database. This chapter will give an overview of the project and its organization. \\ \subsection{Group members} Group 1 consists of three CSE students: \\ \begin{itemize} \item Maik Teurlings (0591600) \item Oliver Schinagl (0580852) \item Wilrik De Loose (0601583) \end{itemize} \subsection{Description} The application is about liquor and is called "Pottepei" which is Flemish (Antwerp) for a drunk. The database will contain information regarding various sorts of alcoholic beverages. The web-based PHP application reads all kinds of information from RSS feeds and puts it into the database. Users can then query the database and also subscribe to an RSS feed concerning this database. Figure 1 explains how the application passes data around. \\ \section{Specification} This section lists the functionality and technologies used in the "Pottepei" software project. \\ \subsection{Functionality} The "Pottepei" software can be accessed using a web-based interface. The application is available on the website http://www.pottepei.tk/. On this website the user can search for liquor and alcoholic beverages like cocktails and all sorts of beers and wines. \\ If a user wants to keep posted on the latest ins and outs, he or she can sign up for the RSS feed. These topics will also be posted on the website's front-page. \\ For every listed beverage a number of things are tracked, such like; Were it is being brewed or produced, the percentage of alcohol by volume (at 20 $ ^\circ $C) and so on. \\ \subsection{Technologies} The structure of our database will be stored as an XML schema. The information for the database will either be retrieved from other sites, such as www.cocktailz.nl and wijnspecialist.be via an RSS-feed or manually entererd. The queries that the user can send using the web-interface are done with XQuery mixed with XPath. The HTML pages containing the liquor info are made up using XSLT. Figure 1 below shows how the application uses the techniques to obtain the functionality. \\ \begin {center} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{pottepei.png} \\ Figure 1: Structure of the "Pottepei" software \end {center}