\chapter{Introduction} %INSERT TEXT HERE \section{Purpose} The purpose of this URD is to specify the requirements for the final product of all different end users. \section{Scope} The system being developed will be called TCCRMS. TCCRMS enables organizations to beter serve their customers through the introduction of reliable process and procedures of interacting with those customers. This CRMS in specific will improve the company's strategic position. \section{List of definitions} % THE DEFINITIONS OF ALL USED TERMS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline \textbf{CRMS} & Customer Relationship Management System\\ \textbf{ESA} & European Space Agency\\ \textbf{eServices} & Insurance service from "system to system" \\ \textbf{HR} & Human Relations or people management\\ \textbf{Risk} & Everything that can be insured (insurance vocabulary)\\ \textbf{SR} & Software Requirements\\ \textbf{TCCRMS} & TOTAL COVER CRMS\\ \textbf{UR} & User Requirements\\ \textbf{URD} & User Requirements Document\\ \hline \end{tabular} \newpage \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{urd} \section{Overview} Chapter 2 contains a general description of the product, its capability's and constraints, characteristics of the users and the environment it will run in. Also some assumptions and dependencies are mentioned. Chapter 3 describes the general capability requirements and the constraint requirements for this project. \newpage