path: root/Smoke/glut.c
diff options
authorOliver Schinagl <>2008-01-10 23:15:08 (GMT)
committerOliver Schinagl <>2008-01-10 23:15:08 (GMT)
commit91f06a00a710267c4d4fc708ff88d63cc42c46fb (patch)
tree40e354bfeb8fd3753ee202a40375c20c63dc832e /Smoke/glut.c
parent398578956e01518523a05d4245a2ce488955cf97 (diff)
raw quake logo loader
Diffstat (limited to 'Smoke/glut.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/Smoke/glut.c b/Smoke/glut.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fcdaadd..0000000
--- a/Smoke/glut.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <GL/glut.h> //the GLUT graphics library
-#include <rfftw.h> //the numerical simulation FFTW library
-#include "fluids.h"
-#include "palette.h"
-#include "colormap.h"
-#define FALSE 0
-#define TRUE !FALSE
-void do_one_simulation_step(void)
- if (!frozen)
- {
- calculate_one_simulation_step();
- glutPostRedisplay();
- }
-//reshape: Handle window resizing (reshaping) events
-void reshape(int w, int h)
- glViewport(0.0f, 0.0f, (GLfloat)w, (GLfloat)h);
- glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
- glLoadIdentity();
- gluPerspective(45.0f, (GLfloat)w / (GLfloat)h, 0.1, 5000.0f);
- //glOrtho(0.0, (GLdouble)w, 0.0, (GLdouble)h, -100, 100);
- //glFrustum(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.1, 1000.0);
- winWidth = w; winHeight = h;
-//display: Handle window redrawing events. Simply delegates to visualize().
-void display(void)
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
- glLoadIdentity();
- visualize();
- glFlush();
- glutSwapBuffers();
-void setup_menu(void) {
- int submenu_color, submenu_oliverscolor, submenu_clamp, submenu_scale, submenu_glyphs, submenu_glyphs_usage, submenu_glyphs_scalar,submenu_glyphs_vector;
- submenu_color = glutCreateMenu(selectColor);
- glutAddMenuEntry("Greyscale", COLOR_BLACKWHITE);
- glutAddMenuEntry("Rainbow", COLOR_RAINBOW);
- glutAddMenuEntry("Band", COLOR_BANDS);
- glutAddMenuEntry("Wilrik", COLOR_WILRIK);
- glutAddMenuEntry("Oliver", COLOR_OLIVER);
- submenu_glyphs_usage = glutCreateMenu(toggle_glyph_usage);
- glutAddMenuEntry("Glyphs", NULL);
- submenu_glyphs_scalar = glutCreateMenu(set_glyph_scalar);
- glutAddMenuEntry("Density", SCALAR_RHO);
- glutAddMenuEntry("Velocity", SCALAR_VEL);
- glutAddMenuEntry("Force", SCALAR_FORCE);
- submenu_glyphs_vector = glutCreateMenu(set_glyph_vector);
- glutAddMenuEntry("Velocity", VECTOR_VEL);
- glutAddMenuEntry("Force", VECTOR_FORCE);
- submenu_glyphs = glutCreateMenu(NULL);
- glutAddSubMenu("Use glyphs", submenu_glyphs_usage);
- glutAddSubMenu("Choose scalar field", submenu_glyphs_scalar);
- glutAddSubMenu("Choose vector field", submenu_glyphs_vector);
- submenu_oliverscolor = glutCreateMenu(colormap_set_num_colors);
- glutAddMenuEntry("0", 0);
- glutAddMenuEntry("1", 1);
- glutAddMenuEntry("2", 2);
- glutAddMenuEntry("4", 4);
- glutAddMenuEntry("8", 8);
- glutAddMenuEntry("16", 16);
- glutAddMenuEntry("32", 32);
- glutAddMenuEntry("256", 256);
- submenu_clamp = glutCreateMenu(select_dataset);
- glutAddMenuEntry("Rho", DATASET_RHO);
- glutAddMenuEntry("Vel", DATASET_VEL);
- glutAddMenuEntry("Force", DATASET_FORCE);
- glutAddMenuEntry("Velocity divergence", DATASET_DIVV);
- glutAddMenuEntry("Force divergence", DATASET_DIVF);
- submenu_scale = glutCreateMenu(toggle_autoscale);
- glutAddMenuEntry("Autoscale", NULL);
- glutCreateMenu(NULL);
- glutAddSubMenu("Colormap", submenu_color);
- glutAddSubMenu("Select Color", submenu_oliverscolor);
- glutAddSubMenu("Dataset", submenu_clamp);
- glutAddSubMenu("Autoscaling", submenu_scale);
- glutAddSubMenu("Glyphs", submenu_glyphs);
- glutAttachMenu(GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON);
-//keyboard: Handle key presses
-void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
- switch (key)
- {
- case 't': dt -= 0.001; break;
- case 'T': dt += 0.001; break;
- case 'c': color_dir = (color_dir +1) %3; break;
- case 'S': vec_scale *= 1.2f; break;
- case 's': vec_scale *= 0.8f; break;
- case 'V': visc *= 5.0f; break;
- case 'v': visc *= 0.2f; break;
- case 'y': toggle_glyph_usage(); break;
- case 'x': toggle_smoke_usage(); break;
- case 'm': scalar_col++; if (scalar_col>COLOR_OLIVER) scalar_col=COLOR_BLACKWHITE; break;
- case 'a': frozen = 1-frozen; break;
- case 'q': exit(0); break;
- case 'r': toggle_mouse_rotate(); break;
- case 'e': toggle_seed_insert(); break;
- default: break;
- }
-//main: The main program
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- printf("Fluid Flow Simulation and Visualization\n");
- printf("=======================================\n");
- printf("Click and drag the mouse to steer the flow!\n");
- printf("T/t: increase/decrease simulation timestep\n");
- printf("S/s: increase/decrease hedgehog scaling\n");
- printf("c: toggle direction coloring on/off\n");
- printf("V/vy: increase decrease fluid viscosity\n");
- printf("x: toggle drawing matter on/off\n");
- printf("y: toggle drawing hedgehogs on/off\n");
- printf("m: toggle thru scalar coloring\n");
- printf("a: toggle the animation on/off\n");
- printf("q: quit\n\n");
- glutInit(&argc, argv);
- glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH);
- glutInitWindowSize(600, 600);
- glutCreateWindow("Real-time smoke simulation and visualization");
- glutDisplayFunc(display);
- glutReshapeFunc(reshape);
- glutIdleFunc(do_one_simulation_step);
- glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard);
- glutMotionFunc(drag);
- glutMouseFunc(click);
- setup_menu();
- init_simulation(DIM); //initialize the simulation data structures
- glutMainLoop(); //calls do_one_simulation_step, keyboard, display, drag, reshape
- return 0;